Choosing Batteries

Considering the fact that if your batteries fail, you can’t work, very little time, effort or consideration is put into choosing batteries when you buy or operate a truck. While, on the one hand, you probably don't want to have to choose every single nut and bolt on your truck, the choice of batteries will have a major impact on the functionality and dependability of your vehicle. If you're buying a new truck then you may have a few options on batteries, all may be good enough. At the same time, a lot of trucks have as many, if not more, options for the battery box than for the battery type. If you are buying a used truck, then the choice you get is likely between the batteries currently installed, or the batteries you’ll install later, if necessary.

Consider this. With today's fully electronic vehicles, low or inconsistent batteries can cause problems ranging from invisible minor issues, to check engines, to complete failure of components. Almost any recent vehicle, that has been on the road for a reasonable amount of time, likely has at least one low voltage related fault code. Also, keep in mind that all of those electronics are essentially meant to do three things. Provide safety. Run environmentally responsibly. And, run efficiently. If you need to know why that matters, simply put a safe and environmentally friendly and efficient truck is a truck that is less expensive to operate.

Drive safe,

Kevin Gauthier